:Ragnar Th Sigurdsson photographer
is stock photography
photos are images that have previously been taken, not a paid assignment
for new photography. Usually these images are from a photographers'
self-assignments. These are often images that the photographer has
a special interest in and a knowledge of, such as geology, wildlife
and nature in general. These stock photos are leased to commercial
clients for paid uses such as advertisements, books, brochures, annual
reports and magazine articles. While it can be very costly and time
consuming to hire a photographer to photograph a volcanic eruption,
a glacier surge, northern lights or the midnight sun, you are also
not guaranteed the quality of images you will get. Instead you call
ARCTIC IMAGES, and have the knowledgeable staff find images to meet
your criteria. Thus, you have a choice of many images from a large
stock and you know exactly what image you will get. You s describe
the type of images you are looking for including the subject you have
in mind, the concept you wish to illustrate, whether the image should
be horizontal or vertical, and any other specification that will help
our search. Commonly, by giving us the concept you wish to illustrate,
we can also suggest images which you may not have thought of. With
your wishes in mind, we look through our 130,000 plus library of images
and choose a selection to send you. We start by sending low resolution
images over the Internet to you for review.
does stock photography cost?.
does stock photography cost? The uses of stock photos are so varied
that it's impossible to supply a comprehensive "price list".
Stock photography pricing is based on a number of parameters which
brochure, print advertisement, billboard, etc....
USE SIZE: 1/4 page, full page, double page, etc.....
PLACEMENT OF IMAGE: inside, cover, etc.....
PRESS RUN OR CIRCULATION: for. ex. 5,000 brochures or an ad in a
250,000 press run magazine. DURATION OF THE USE: One-time, use for
a year, etc....
In order to
quote a fair price, all of the above parameters must be taken into
consideration by ARCTIC IMAGES in order to calculate a reasonable
usage fee.